Tuesday, 16 October 2012

nice & tidy

 Thank you for always leaving such lovely comments on my blog. I love reading them all!
I've been tidying up around here; folding away new fabrics into an old picnic hamper, storing bits of inspiration and clearing my desk of beads and buttons. We are off on a little getaway to Spain for a few days and it's always nice to come home to a clean and tidy workroom, ready to start a fresh with new ideas and designs.
See you all when I get back...


  1. It's always great to come back to a tidy house after being away :) have a wonderful trip sweetie

    Bee happy x

  2. You are so inspiring Victoria....what fun to go on a trip AND come back to more fun! Now, let me go do some organising around the house :-)

  3. A hamper full of fabric... swoon! So happy to have popped by *waves hello* from a new follower, Hazel x

  4. have a lovely trip! lucky you! Heather

  5. How fantastic, a lovely holiday to look forward to. Enjoy! x

  6. I like that basket with the little round handle very pretty.
    Sally x

  7. Glad I've found your blog, it's so lovely and such pretty images! I have bookmarked you as one of my fave's Lucy x

  8. I love that wicker basket filled with fabric. Just beautiful. These photos are all so lovely.

    <3 Melissa

  9. lovely pics I always love seeing other peoples fabric collections

  10. There's always so many pretty trinkets and things to see in your posts! Have a fun time in Spain.

  11. So many pretty things here. I need to tidy up my workspace so badly.
    I hope you have a lovely time in Spain
