Sunday, 28 October 2012

the little things....

Not much sewing going on this week I'm afraid, instead I thought I'd show you some of the little things that make me happy; bright pink flowers, floral bedlinen with a Liberty print fabric cushion I made, a green and white plate I bought at a flea market, a new edition of Vogue and finally, my new favourite purse that my mum gave to me.
What simple little things make your day?


  1. I love the smell of fresh coffee and brioche in the morning! Hugs from my Dolly and watching the robins on my garage roof. All so simple, but so effective! :)

  2. Hi l love the pink stocks their smell and colour are fabulous. I love magazines and buy far too many of them don't tempt me. The article on the vogue cover "style setters reveal their secrets " looks interesting if it is perhaps you could give us the salient points only a thought. Have a good week. Oh that didn't answer the question I too love the smell of fresh coffee, flowers in a vase, the companionship of my dad's dog while I am gardening. He is always very interested in the pots etc mind you it can be exhasperating he runs off with stuff and he won't give it back, he does it on purpose because he wants to play.
    Have a good week.
    Sally x

  3. Love the plate, pink stocks and your new purse :)

  4. love the liberty print and there's nothing like a fresh magazine for some major inspiration.

  5. WOW quelles jolie photos!! :0) Sur tous j`adore la 1 er et la 3eme !!! :0) Ils ont vraiment géniale!!! :0)
    Et aussi je suis votre nouveau membre!! :0)

    Bonne journée!!
    xxx Maria xxx

  6. Aw what a lovely post - your photos are so lovely and colourful!

  7. Enjoying catching up with your blog.......
