Monday, 7 January 2013


teasgarden birds

At this time of year when it's looking grey and misty it's easy to stay inside and not do much, but I always feel better for getting outside. In the winter you get those quiet, still days when everything seems to be hibernating, trees are bare, little birds dart from the hedgerows and the sun is nowhere to be seen. We took a picnic on our walk and ate most of it as soon as we left to house.
I love the pictures in this garden birds book, which I bought recently, they illustrate winter perfectly.

birds winter footpath


  1. fabulous post .. we are on the same mind set!

    We were wishing we had brought a thermos of tea.. that would have been a fabulous warm up :o) time..

    Enjoy your winter wonderland!

  2. Beautiful post Vicki and lovely words. See you soon! :)

  3. such a sweet little post. i always love your writing.

  4. lovely to go out and walk, like the pictures! Heather x

  5. Hello sweet Victoria! Gorgeous post and beautiful words dear friend! I love winter walks too! So glad you enjoyed a lovely picnic and found such a beautiful bird book! The illustrations are gorgeous! Have a lovely day! Much love, Paula xoxo

  6. Getting wrapped up against the cold and the damp is the best thing ever. We often walk along the beach in biting winds. Returning home to a hot mug of chocolate gives you a warm cosy glow. Lovely birdie images x

  7. A winter walk on a still day with the birds singing is like no other ... even better with frost underfoot and a flask of hot chocolate in your mitts. Lovely piccies - especially love the footpath sign.

  8. I love going on winter walks....especially if the sun is out! Hope you are well my friend.

  9. Beautiful prints indeed! Your winter walks sound lovely. We enjoy them too, especially when it's cold, but sunny!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    madelief x

  10. lovely images and I really adore the footpath sign
