Monday, 22 July 2013

this & that...

Marigolds pinks
A few photos from the last few days, a summery display of vintage bits on my mantelpiece. I absolutely love the marigolds oil painting by Pauline Vincent, one of my favourites artists.
The Pink Carnations are from our local farm shop, I seem to buy a bunch every time we visit as they are really cheap and last ages.
A cup of tea while I'm reading Pretty Pastel Style, I've finally got myself a copy.

tea break pretty nostalgic
Do you remember those garden flower cigarette cards I found in a charity shop, well they were featured in the lovely Pretty Nostalgic magazine this month. It's a great magazine full of vintage inspiration.
These Hollyhocks grow by the side of my mum's house, they remind me of summer in the garden. I think I take a picture of them every year.



  1. I love hollyhocks .. they are the perfect cottage garden flower! When I was little my gramma taught me how to make little princesses out of the flowers ... how do yours do with so much rain. Mine here "rust" from the wet.... I planted them up against the house so they have sun but under the eaves so they don't get wet .. ah ha... I will have my beauties!! :o)

  2. What a lovely collection of pictures, loving that marigold picture such hot colours :) x

  3. Beautiful photographs, so summery! :)

  4. I've been wanting to email you for ages!
    I moved last Saturday and fell down, so now must take it easy for a while...
    Oh my, those Hollyhocks are glorious! Wanna paint them!! :)

  5. Lovely summery pics. I adore that first photo of yours - the picture is beautiful - but the whole set-up and reflection is just stunning :)

  6. gorgeous pics, I love your little ceramic terrier, so sweet

  7. Beautiful pictures, this post has brightened my rainy day x
