Monday, 7 October 2013

day trip

cloth house

A recent trip to London involved plenty of sparkly trims, vintage lace, silk ribbons, braids, velvet and raffia. I bought my stash from Liberty, VV Rouleaux and The Cloth House, should keep me going for while.

  cloth housetrims little presents vintage trims vintage trims


  1. ok ... I am totally thoroughly jealous! .. I haven't been to a good fabric shop in so long!!! {sigh}
    Looks like you had a marvelous time!!

  2. What a lovely day trip indeed and such lovely purchases from London and The Linen Garden, look forward to seeing your creations. Jayne x

  3. Sounds like the perfect trip and great to stock up!

    I love the photo of you.. x

  4. I'd not heard of the Cloth House before - looks like a most marvellous store - must pay a visit some day :)

  5. nice to see a picture of you!
    I love your brown boots.
    And I love VV Rouleaux

  6. Oh dear....I think I would go crazy in LONDON...such sweet shops..I adore that image of you in front of that pretty shop...may I pinterest it? Hugs and love to you. oxox

    1. Hi Koralee. You would love London, so many lovely shops! Of course you can pin the picture. I'm on pinterest too, I'll have to check yours out xx

  7. Oh, lucky you to have such shops within reach! By the way, you look very sweet in front of the shop windows... very autumn...


  8. Lovely shop with lovely laces.
    I'll keep in reading your blog, thanks for sharing.
