Friday, 1 May 2015


found & sewn

Happy May Day everyone! Such a lovely time of year. One past traditional May Day event I love is that people would get up before sunrise in order to gather flowers and greenery to decorate their houses and villages, in the belief that the vegetation spirits would bring good fortune. 
I have some apple blossom and lilac which I'm hoping will do the trick.

found & sewn

We went on such a beautiful walk the other day, the weather was just perfect.
Down old farm tracks, over wooden stiles, across fields, though pretty villages, into cool musty churches. Hawthorn bushes in flower, lining the way and swathes of wild garlic. We stopped by this lovely stone wall, where the grass was covered in primroses, dandelions and forget-me -nots. It was a buzz with bees and hoverflies. 

I love a nice walk, to slow everything down, to forget about those 'to do' lists and just enjoy the moment. Taking time to notice all the little details of the day. 

Do you have any favourite walks near to where you live? 

found & sewn

found & sewn

found & sewn

found & sewn

found & sewn

found & sewn


  1. Lovely photo's of your walk!

    Happy week!

    Madelief x

  2. Oh wild garlic - I love the smell, reminds me of home!
    Happy May to you

    1. Hi Amy, we've been making wild garlic pesto..yum! Have a lovely week x

  3. A gorgeous post, nothing like getting away from it all... x

  4. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely walk! Pure bliss...

    Beata xox
