Sunday, 8 July 2012

sunday stuff

I bought this glass lamp stand ages ago from a charity shop and I finally got around to giving it a shade. Originally I wanted to find a vintage one, but couldn't find one the right size and shape, so decided to cover one I already had in Liberty print fabric, really easy to do when you use spray mount.

I'm not a mad royalist or anything, but I love this postcard of the queen, I think she looks happy with my fabric choice, what do you think?


  1. Do I recognise that fabric from a couple of posts ago? Looks pretty good with the red from the postcard.

  2. your shade is darling .. wouldn't that be sooo cute in a little girls room.. love the colors!

  3. It looks great! I've been looking for a good vintage lamp stand for so long now. The ones I find always seem to sit just on the wrong side of tacky, but yours is perfect!

  4. What a beautiful lamp it has become with your Libery shade!! Love the photo of the queen too. She looks really beautiful!

    Happy new week,

    Madelief x

  5. Absolutely perfect, it looks so perfect with the postcard. A lovely touch of summer pretiness. jayne x

  6. Everything in this photo look like they were made for each other. Great vintage find with the lampstand!

  7. Oh my word - well done you! It looks amazing and I love the postcard.

    Must catch up soon - I have your gift!

  8. Looks lovely! The background colour of the postcard ties in beautifully with the shade and oh my, the lace on the table and the crown match!! :-)

  9. Looks brilliant, love that fabric!!

  10. Thanks for all your lovely comments, I'm so pleased you like it! xx

  11. This is so beautifully British! ;)

  12. Love that liberty print and it looks great on the lampshade, what a great find the lamp base was too!
    Kat x
