Tuesday, 19 March 2013

tuesday stuff

handmade lace broochnearly finished

I ordered some new business cards the other day and they have just arrived. It's so hard to decide which images to use, but I went for this selection, along with a few other pictures of my work and sewing bits. I'm really happy with how they have turned out.
This afternoon my boyfriend and I went to listen to a talk by Carlo Petrini of the slow food movement at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. It was a very passionate talk and very inspiring. With his mantra of good, clean and fair food stuck in our minds we are just about to cook this  for dinner.
I hope you are having a nice week x

sewing box
purse and pearls button purses velvet blues


  1. Lovely things here, hope you enjoyed your meal! :) x

  2. The cards look lovely and the talk sounded fab. So many pretty things. :)

  3. Very pretty images! I love Nigel Slater recipes, so homely and heart warming!
    Rachel x

  4. Hello sweet Victoria! Your new business cards are beautiful! I love all of your gorgeous photos and creations! I hope you and your boyfriend enjoy the cottage pie! The talk sounds wonderful! We have eaten organically for many years and it is a joy to cook your own food and knowing where it comes from. I wish we had more local farmer's markets, but when we move to Minnesota we will have a lot more local farms to buy from! I look forward to that! I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week! Much love, Paula xo

  5. Love the new cards - you have such an eye for pretty things! Looking forward to Artweeks too xx

  6. Beautiful works of embroidery Victoria!

    Madelief x

  7. what gorgeousness!!!

    lovely thoughts,

