Tuesday, 11 February 2014

wild flowers

handmade lace brooch

Pink lace brooch- listed here
wild·flow·er also wild flow·er  (wīld′flou′ər)
1. A flowering plant that grows in a natural, uncultivated state.
2. The flower of such a plant.
It feels like spring is a long way off today, but in my sewing room I have colourful flowers everywhere. I've been drinking hot chocolate, sat at my computer adding lots of lovely handmade flower brooches to my ' found & sewn' folksy shop.

folksy shop

Vintage lace brooch- listed here

handmade brooch

folksy shop

Flower brooch-beaded vintage lace- listed here

wild flowers

I have quite a collection of vintage wild flower books. I love learning the names of wild flowers like Venus's looking glass, Penny royal, Wild candytuft and Cloudberry.  I have already signed up to the Wildflowers count this year where you can take part in the UK's only annual national wild plant survey.

folksy shop

Some handmade lavender bags, pin cushions and brooches on my sewing room shelf.

handmade brooch

Flower brooch- black beaded lace - listed here


  1. They're beautiful Vicki - just what we need on a day like today! I can't wait for spring to arrive!

  2. Wonderful, I especially love the first one! :)

  3. These are gorgeous! I've signed up for the Wildflower Count too, should be fun!

  4. Oh my goodness these are stunning my friend...your talent always amazes me ! xo

  5. Thanks everyone. I can't wait for spring to arrive!

  6. Well these are going on my birthday list. Such pretty colours. I'd love to cover my dresses with them in the sunny days that are ,hopefully, just around the corner. www,prettynostalgia.blogspot.co.uk

  7. Found your blog last night, love it to bits x

  8. they really are made with love!!!
    adorable x

  9. I absolutely love those flower names, 'cloudberry' and 'wild candytuft' - they sound dreamy!

    I just bought one of your lovely cards for my mum on Mother's Day. She absolutely loves the bunting you sent me, so much so that it is now hanging in our dining room for all to see!

    1. Thanks Hannah! I'm so pleased you and your mum like the vintage bunting xx
